Overview of how to update product pricing for products/surfboard models through the Cavewire system.
Step One
Go to the Manage Products page under Catalog-> Manage Products and select the product you want to update using the searchable filters at the top of the table.
Catalog-> Manage Products
Step Two
Navigate to the Pricing Tab on the left hand menu and update pricing where necessary. You should always include the Price and the Wholesale price in the Group Price table
Pricing Tab on the left hand menu
Step Three
Select Save and Continue Edit
Step Four
NB. If you are updating pricing on a Surfboard Model - check under the Recommended Products tab on the left hand menu.
If you have a full custom model - select the edit button and repeat the process in the new window. All other Recommended sizes will update automatically with a scheduled task.
Recommended Products Tab - pricing will update once saved. Any full custom options (top line) will need to be opened and updated individually.
Keywords: pricing, products,
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