Creating an Invoice for your Sales Order
Open your Sales Order
Open your Sales Order and select the INVOICE button.
Scroll down to the items to invoice table and update where necessary. If you want to invoice the entire order at once, leave this table as is.
If you want to create a Shipment at the same time, select the Create Shipment checkbox.
Enter in your Tracking Details into the newly created tracking number table.
Update Item Quantities if needed
Enter in Tracking Details if you are ready to ship now
Enter any invoice comments you want or leave empty.
Select how you have captured payment:
- Capture Online
- Capture Offline
- Not Capture
Enter comments and payment Capture option
Select whether or not to add comments and email a copy of the invoice
Once the invoice has been created you can view the invoice by opening up the Sales Order and selecting the Invoices tab.
View invoices for an order by selecting the invoices tab
Once an invoice is created you can also create a Shipment for your order to complete the order process.
Keywords: sales, invoices, sales orders, create an invoice,
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