Cavewire has the ability to automatically generated a sitemap for your front-end Cavewire system.
How to Generate the Sitemap
- Navigate to the Catalog->Google Sitemap screen.
- From the top right corner select the Add Sitemap button
From the Sitemap screen:
- In the filename field enter: sitemap.xml
- Enter the path to a writable location on your server for the sitemap
- To put the sitemap in a folder, enter the path to the folder: /sitemaps
- To put the sitemap at the base path of your store, enter a forward slash: /
- Click the Save & Generate button to create the sitemap.
The sitemap appears in the list, with a link to sitemap.xml file. From here, you can do the following:
- To view the sitemap, click the hyperlink in the Link for Google column. This is the link that you will later submit to Google
- To update the sitemap, click the Generate link.
Keywords: sitemap, sitemaps, seo, xml sitemap, google, search engine,
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