You Contact page has been setup to include a web form that allows users to submit questions via email to your nominated email address.
Updating the web form send to email address
To update this email address, you will need to login to your admin screen and navigate to System->Configuration. From this screen, use the left hand navigation to find the settings under General-Contacts. Update the Sends Email To field to your nominated email address and select Save.
Updating the Contact Page send to Email Address
Updating the Content
If you want to include other text on this page, or update the existing text or images, you will need to do this using the Static Blocks section of the admin screen. CMS->Static Blocks.
By default, Cavewire will bring in the Static Block that uses the identifier contact_content. NB. this may be different depending on customisation of your front-end site.
You can open this static block (or create this static block if you do not have it yet) and use the content area to add in the content you require on this page using the WYSIWYG.
Once you have updated or added the content you require, select Save.
Update the contact_content static block and select Save. CMS->Static Blocks.
Keywords: cms, content management, website, contact page, contacts, contact form,
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