Cavewire has an accounting module that can connect your external Quickbooks account with your Cavewire invoicing.
When a product is invoiced in Cavewire, an invoice can be generated and sent via our secure API to your Quickbooks account.
In order to ensure the product invoiced goes to the correct account, you can enter your Quickbooks accounts next to your attribute sets in your Cavewire system.
This will ensure that all products that are pushed through to Quickbooks from Cavewire will end up in the correct account.
How to set your Quickbooks account codes in Cavewire
Step 1.
Open the relevant Attribute Set in your Cavewire system by navigating to Catalog->Attributes->Manage Attributes Sets
Step 2
Select the Attribute Set you want to send to your Quickbooks account code and open it.
Step 3
In the Account Code field, choose the relevant Quickbooks account you wish products using this attribute set will be sent to.
Step 4
Select Save and then update your remaining attribute sets where needed.
Keywords: accounting, quickbooks, attribute sets, accounting codes, chart of accounts,
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