There are two reasons why transactional emails may not be sent when an order is placed.
Customer group has emails disabled
If the custom who placed the order is part of a customer group, check to see if that customer group has emails disabled.
Sender email address is not verified
The sender email for orders is configured in:
System --> Configuration --> Sales Emails
In this case, the email sender for orders will be from the Sales Representative. The email address is defined in the "Store Email Addresses" system configuration.
The email address must be verified by your Cavewire Account Manager. If the email address has not been verified, the transactional emails from that address will not be successful. In case you wish to change the sender email, please contact your Cavewire Account Manager.
See more details about store email address in the article Store Email Addresses
Keywords: emails, transactional emails, confirmation email, email verification, order email,
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