You can now view which customers are connected to your Cavewire instance from the Customer Index screen.
When you connect your retailers to your Cavewire system for ordering, these customers will receive their own unique Cavewire URL to login to their ordering system.
How to show the Cavewire URL field
By default the Cavewire URL is set to not show. To show this on your customer grid:
- Select System->Configuration from your menu
- Using the left hand navigation pane, select Cavewire->General
- Update the dropdown next to Show Cavewire URL on Customer Grid to Yes
- Select SAVE to save these settings
Once you have updated your settings, you can navigate to the Customers page to see the results.
You may need to sort by the URL column in order to view the customers who have a URL set against their account.
You can also export this list to a CSV by selecting EXPORT from this page.
How to view your Cavewire Customer URLs
Keywords: customers, wholesale ordering, customer login, customer accounts, cavewire url, retailer login,
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